
Bifogat finns ett urval av abstracts från forskningspublikationer relaterade till vår utveckling. Artiklarna har öppen källkod och kan kopieras från https-referenserna.

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Johansson B, Capjon J, (2023): Energizing Water through Static Storage: Integrated Research and Development of Storage Containers. 

Abstract: This study shows that still water contained in a projective geometry (PG)-designed carafe oscillates in tune with a self-trapped electromagnetic field of resonant stationary waves to which some coherent configurations are associated, well defined at specific coherent frequencies. The resonant coherent oscillations produce an ensemble of quasi-free, high-grade, and lowentropy energy electrons, able to collect and transmit incident light in the visible and low near-infrared light spectrum (LNIR). The frequencies of transfer and informational waves become ever smaller as coherent molecular size increases, with a breakthrough in the LNIR range above 650 nm, increasing formation of a fractal set of coherent low-density water clusters. The fluctuation of local structures of high- and low-density water shifted from a dominance of the high-density liquid (80%) in ordinary water toward a low-density balance of 60% in carafe-contained water. This is confirmed by the change in low-density water chemistry, i.e., from the fractal scaling boundary of change and decline in thermal infrared (IR) emission aligned with structural conformity, with the donated electrons causing a reduction in oxidation-reduction potential, and extracted quasifree electrons captured by oxygen molecules, forming hydroxyl-ions followed by an increase in pH. It has been postulated that the glassiness of water is geometrically associated with a tetrahedral low-density water structure, which is observed in tetrahedral amorphous silica. In contrast, high-density water lacks tetrahedral symmetry. Governed by the rise in low-density water clusters, the highly coherent interaction between the tetrahedral configuration and fractal ordering of the PG glass carafe and the contiguous aqueous phase increases its bioenergy and bioavailability, with a plausible biophilic interconnective potential.

Johansson B, Trousdell I, Capjon J (2021): Energizing Water through Dynamic Flow  

ABSTRACT: This study investigates the energy state in dynamic active flow obtained from four different flow-surface designs (i.e., Flowforms or FFs). The study was performed on two ceramic single-vessel units (i.e., the Manawa vase and Matatiki bowl), the three-vessel Glonn vertical stack, and the twelve-vessel Greenhouse vertical stack. The original water was a spring water obtained from Maglehem, Sweden. The results show that the Manawa vase and Greenhouse stack transform less organized low-grade thermal energy obtained from the environment into high-grade energy by means of the induced formation of energizing double-vortex figure-eight streaming flow in water through running water over a specific flow surface technology. The high and low-density liquid fluctuations of water from the Matatiki bowl and Glonn vertical stack vessels are proposed to shift toward a dominance of the high-density liquid, less than the 80 % of ordinary water at room temperature and aligned with the tentative formation of a previously unidentified density state of liquid water. The thermal infrared (IR) emissions from the water surface as well as reduced redox potential and increased pH identified physically distinct concentric and condensed temperature gradient zones with long-term consistency, aligned as a low-entropy state of ordered coherence that implies a considerably decreased intrinsic mobile water state in water from all four FFs. A strong fractal power-law relationship revealed that fractal scaling geometry is part of coherent water ordering and that thermal IR flickering relates to a long-range correlation between water molecules, considered a manifestation of the underlying quantum dynamics in two of the four tested FFs, the Manawa vase and Greenhouse stack.­_1

Johansson B (20..): Functional water - in promotion of health beneficial effects and prevention of disease

ABSTRACT: Functional water science has gained attention recently in response to its physiological functions, health-promoting effects and disease prevention, especially on oxidative-stressrelated diseases such as diabetes, cancer, arteriosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases and side effects of hemodialysis. It has been proposed that in the case of naturally or electrochemically reduced water, the active agents are atomic or molecular hydrogen, mineral nanoparticles and mineral nanoparticle hydrides. Studies investigating functional qualities of functional mineral water or functional coherent mineral water in healthy humans suggest a capacity to maintain or restore physiological self-regulation to reduce variability accompanying a constant "steady state" condition, and/or propose the presence of fractal nonlinear mechanisms and long-range power-law correlations involved in physiological control and complex signaling networks to maintain homeostasis. The functional coherency of a mineral water aligns a nonlinear quantum coherent regime of physiological water as an important factor in the emergence of self-organization and self-consistency of the living organism, exclusively providing a mechanism for physiological nonlocality. Formation of a super-coherent biological plasma-like physiological water is considered one of the most important characteristics of a healthy physiological state. Supplementation with a dietary volume of functional deep ocean mineral water, as a primordial source of nutritional minerals and trace elements, shows consistent anti-atherogenic effects, inhibition of atherosclerosis progression, and improved recovery from exhaustive physical fatigue with elimination of post-exercise oxidative damage.

Johansson B, Sukhotskya S (2016): Drinking functional coherent mineral water accompanies a strengthening of the very low frequency impact on heart rate variability and mono and multifractal heart rhythm dynamics in healthy humans

ABSTRACT: Background: Research on functional water has revealed its physiological functions and health-beneficial effects. Accordingly, this study explored the effects of drinking an average dietary volume of functional coherent mineral water (FCMW) on blood pressure, short-term cardiovascular variables, fractal heart rhythm dynamics, and salivary immunoglobulin A. Methods: Fifteen healthy subjects were randomized in a pre-post crossover design, selected the morning after an overnight fast. Short-term electrocardiography (ECG) was measured before and after drinking either control mineral water (CMW) or FCMW on two separate occasions. Saliva was collected for four minutes before the start of each ECG measurement. Blood pressure was monitored in five-minute intervals for one hour. Results: Drinking 100 ml of FCMW temporarily increased arterial blood pressure at 20 to 25 minutes in the 60 minutes post-drinking. Drinking CMW led to a significant reduction in the heart rate, while all-time domain and Power Spectral Density parameters (PSD) were unaffected. Consumption of FCMW resulted in a highly significant difference and decrease in heart rate, and an increase in NN interbeat intervals, and in two of the PSD parameters. A large increase in total power had a significant increasing effect on 2-3-minute oscillations of the very low frequency (VLF) power, indicating a specific change in the heartʼs intrinsic cardiac rhythm that is fundamental to health and well-being. An extension in mono and multifractal scaling of heart rate dynamics defines a healthy function and non-local adaptability, indicating a higher capacity to respond to unpredictable stimuli and stresses, a function which improves autonomic stability. The effect on the heart rate and VLF power suggest an efficient cellular metabolism and a stabilizing effect on mucosal immunoglobulin A. Conclusions: Functional coherent mineral water with an apparent non-local electromagnetic identity triggered in healthy subjects a sustainable sympathetic response in cardiac VLF power, which is considered an intrinsic health-promoting rhythm produced by the heart itself that accompanies adaptive mono and multifractal heart rhythm dynamics.

Paola Gallo et al (2016): Water: A Tale of Two Liquids

ABSTRACT: Water is the most abundant liquid on earth and also the substance with the largest number of anomalies in its properties. It is a prerequisite for life and as such amost important subject of current research in chemical physics and physical chemistry. In spite of its simplicity as a liquid, it has an enormously rich phase diagram where different types of ices, amorphous phases, and anomalies disclose a path that points to unique thermodynamics of its supercooled liquid state that still hides many unraveled secrets. In this review we describe the behavior of water in the regime from ambient conditions to the deeply supercooled region. The review describes simulations and experiments on this anomalous liquid. Several scenarios have been proposed to explain the anomalous properties that become strongly enhanced in the supercooled region. Among those, the second critical-point scenario has been investigated extensively, and at present most experimental evidence point to this scenario. Starting from very low temperatures, a coexistence line between a high-density amorphous phase and a low-density amorphous phase would continue in a coexistence line between a high-density and a low-density liquid phase terminating in a liquid−liquid critical point, LLCP. On approaching this LLCP from the one-phase region, a crossover in thermodynamics and dynamics can be found. This is discussed based on a picture of a temperature-dependent balance between a high-density liquid and a low-density liquid favored by, respectively, entropy and enthalpy, leading to a consistent picture of the thermodynamics of bulk water. Ice nucleation is also discussed, since this is what severely impedes experimental investigation of the vicinity of the proposed LLCP. Experimental investigation of stretched water, i.e., water at negative pressure, gives access to a different regime of the complex water diagram. Different ways to inhibit crystallization through confinement and aqueous solutions are discussed through results from experiments and simulations using the most sophisticated and advanced techniques.

Del Giudice E, Spinetti PS, Tedeschi A (2010): Water dynamics at the root of metamorphosis in living organisms

ABSTRACT: Liquid water has been recognized long ago to be the matrix of many processes, including life and also rock dynamics. Interactions among biomolecules occur very differently in a non-aqueous system and are unable to produce life. This ability to make living processes possible implies a very peculiar structure of liquid water. According to modern Quantum Field Theory (QFT), a complementary principle (in the sense of Niels Bohr) holds between the number N of field quanta (including the matter field whose quanta are just the atoms/molecules) and the phase Ф. This means that when we focus on the atomic structure of matter it loses its coherence properties and, vice versa, when we examine the phase dynamics of the system its atomic structure becomes undefined. Superfluid liquid Helium is the first example of this peculiar quantum dynamics. In the present paper we show how consideration of the phase dynamics of liquid water makes the understanding of its peculiar role in the onset of self-organization in living organisms and in ecosystems possible.


Chaplin M (2020): Liquid water is not a bit player in the theatre of life - it is the headline act

Many regard water (H2O) as a rather uninteresting substance because it is transparent, odorless, tasteless, and ubiquitous. It is the simplest compound of the two most common reactive elements in the Universe, consisting of just two hydrogen atoms attached to a single oxygen atom. Indeed, very few molecules are smaller or lighter. Liquid water, however, is the most extraordinary material contradicting its apparently simple molecular constituent.

Although we drink it, wash, fish, swim in it, and cook with it (although probably not all simultaneously), we nearly always overlook the special relationship it has with our lives. Droughts cause famines, and floods cause death and disease. It makes up over about half of us and, without it, we die within a few days. Liquid water has importance as a solvent, a solute, a reactant, a catalyst, and a biomolecule, structuring proteins, nucleic acid, and cells and controlling our consciousness. H2O is the second most common molecule in the Universe (behind hydrogen, H2), the most abundant solid material and fundamental to star formation. As a hydride, it differs from other gaseous hydrides in not being poisonous or smelly. There is a hundred times as many water molecules in our bodies than the sum of all the other molecules put together, with billions of water molecules per DNA molecule. Life cannot evolve or continue without liquid water, which is why there is so much excitement about finding it on Mars and other planets and moons. Unsurprisingly, water plays a central role in many of the World's Religions. This website discusses many aspects of water science.

Water is the most studied material on Earth. However, it is remarkable to find that the science behind its behavior and function are so poorly understood (or even ignored), not only by people in general but also by scientists working with it every day. It can be extremely slippery and extremely sticky simultaneously, and this 'stick/slip' behavior is how we recognize the feel of water. The small size of its molecule belies the complexity of its actions and its unique capabilities. Many attempts to model water as a simple substance have failed and still are failing. Liquid water's unique properties and chameleonic nature seem to fit ideally into the requirements for life, as can no other molecule.

Many explanations of the complex behavior of liquid water have been published, with several stirring up considerable controversy. In this website, I have attempted to present and explain these ideas in a self-consistent and balanced manner, which I hope will encourage its understanding and further work.